In an ideal world we shouldn’t have to resort to medication.  Most of these are designed for short term use but because there are ongoing issues,  Physicians have to keep prescribing the medication to deal the symptoms and never determining why they began in the first place. 

GUT CHECK uses a full dietary history and will explain why you have these problems and suggest simple and sustainable dietary suggestion to fix the underlying problem.   While there are plenty of people who complain about these symptoms  there are many more who simply do not.  Take for example rectal bleeding.  Most people go their whole lives without any problem and do so because of the way they eat.  For those that do have issues,  making simple changes that others do can make all the difference.

It depends on what study you look at.  In the medical literature the number published is something on the order of 1 in 250.  For many specialists that number seems very high. We don’t understand the issue very well because many patients will incorrectly diagnose themselves with this autoimmune disorder without undergoing the prerequisite testing boh blood and bowel biopsies

There are specialists in allergy who use contact testing at the skin level to help with this diagnosis 

There are obvious ones like peanut allergies that are diagnosed with a history

It is important to realize that food stays in your gut for up to 3 days.  Your “sensativity” isn’t always related to the last thing you consumed

The answer is no one really knows but we at GUT CHECK have a suggestion for those patients wondering why.

Remember the cow?   The cow is the animal that produces the milk that we all love to consume.  Even the cow that makes the milk doesn’t drink the milk .. That is because cows milk is baby cow food not adult cow food.  Perhaps as most mammals,  once we become adults, there isn’t a reason to continue making the enzyme necessary for milk digestion